International Biotech CRO Services
Viral Vaccine Clearance studies/ Clinical trials studies/ phase I and Phase II (Prominent clients are mentioned here)
Cell culture testing services for adventitious viral testing.
All BSL2 and BSL3 viruses
Specific host panel: Equine, Duck, Chicken, Bovine etc.
All BSL2 and BSL3 bacteria
Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials: As Central Lab for CRO and Sponsors, Logistics, Sample Shipment, Storage, Transport, CRC Training, Troubleshooting in Clinical Trials.
Turn around time: Phase II and Phase III varies from sponsor to sponsor based on regulatory permission.
Drug Discovery
Drug Discovery: Antiviral and Antibacterial testing against model viruses and bacteria.
For COVID19 proof of concept and preclinical studies Live COVID19 virus from Patients sample, Tissue culture adapted strains, Model viruses 229E, NL63, Beta Coronavirus, and many more FDA approved models
Turn around time: 1 to 2 months,
Animal Studies
Animal Studies and toxicity data: Inhalation and skin allergies, Dose-response studies,
Routes of Exposure: Gavage, skin, inhalation, oral, parentaral, IV, IM, ID
Turn around time: 1 to 2 months

Genomics services:
Sanger's and NGS genomic sequencing technology: Sample requirement DNA RNA or whole virus and bacteria and fresh leaves for plant and blood sample for the human genome.
ATG1. Viral whole-genome sequencing
ATG2. Bacterial whole-genome sequencing
ATG3. Plant whole-genome sequencing
ATG4. Human whole-genome sequencing
ATG5. Viral Strain Determination
ATG6. Viral Genotypes and Serotypes
ATG7. Viral immune response studies before and after vaccination
ATG8. Cross-reactivity studies: In vitro and in silico.
ATG9. 16S rRNA based bacterial identification service
ATG10. ITS2 based DNA testing of plant, insects
ATG11. Plant DNA barcoding: ITS1, ITS2,MatK, rbcl. etc.
Proteomics Services:
ATP1. Liquid Chromatography Mass Spec (LCMS)
ATP2. Nano Liquid Chromatography (NLC)
ATP3. Gas Chromatography (GC)
ATP4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spec (NMR)
ATP5. Single Crystal XRD
ATP6. Thermophoresis
ATP7. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
ATP8. Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy
ATP9. Confocal Microscopy
ATP10. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spec
Bioinformatics Services:
ATB:1 16S rRNA Phylogeny from raw sequences
ATB2: ITS2 region from Eukaryotes for phylogeny
ATB:3 NCBI Database publication from FASTA sequence
ATB:4 NCBI Database publication from FASTAQ sequence
ATB5: Complete Gene assembly from Sangers sequencing raw data
ATB6: Microbial NGS sequence data assembly, annotation, publication
ATB7: Thalassemia and Sickle cell anemia genetic modifiers studies
ATB8: SNP based data analysis of viral variants
ATB9: Mycobacterial tuberculosis drug resistance, MDR and XDR.